Wednesday, May 01, 2013


The life in BHU(Banaras Hindu University) is really beautiful.. The scenery is awsome.. you can just wake up in the morning and stroll in the fields or the roads where you will find peacocks perched here and there.. more than half of the students study there just for the heck of staying there... Life is really so beautiful in BHU...

The only problem is that it is owned by the Indian Government.... and really, the Government Babus who adorn all the offices of the BHU Suck...!!! It is one of the largest universities in the world in terms of area and it only has an engineering and a medical college to boast.. it has a history but now everything is plain be it humanities or science, commerce ... money is being poured in but i think it is landibng into the pockets of some people..

I think the fault lies in the place... and the people make the place... they are used to a laid back life with so called moral values(although all the moral crimes are committed there too). The mentality of the teachers cannot evolve and they impart knowledge that is too restraining for the learning and creativity of the students... The Faculty of management studies provides two courses - Masters in Business Administration and Masters in international business administration and they are considered to be professional courses... but is the teachers who don't take the course professionally..


“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” 
― Albert Einstein

Just wondering about how different are Personal benchmarks from General Benchmarks...

One major difference: personal benchmarks arise out of self motivation whereas general benchmarks are a part of a larger system which we are over eager to be a part of... however, they can both apply to the same domain... be it work or leisure.. but then, the second question arises, whether the personal benchmarks can be forced..?

So, personal benchmarks might play a crucial role in the personal productivity and hence the overall personal growth, still it does affect the personal perception of everything that is "Good".

Start comparing these two and you will just fall between the horns of dilemma.

How do you perceive happiness? What is happiness?  Or sadness? or success? How is it defined? Are you successful because you have crossed the general respective benchmarks? Or is it something that one decides to be achieved? One might have a family, great household appliances, gadgets, doting Wife, Son, own house etc etc, is he a successful person? Most will think he is but is he really?

Let's take another example: A CEO of a multinational organisation working in an exotic location.. Or a movie star with a heavy pocket and a worshiping nation but still a bachelor at 48. They are successful to me but they are the best judge about their own success/happiness metric.

So are you successful or happy? Are you going to look at the world and take that as a benchmark or would you look inside and really judge basis the real thing?

So, personal benchmarks might play a crucial role in the personal productivity and hence the overall growth, but if they are not adding value to the general "benchmarking system" or the general productivity parameters, then these personal benchmarks run the risk of becoming a black hole which confines the individual into a never ending pursuit of something which is there but will never add to anything tangible... well, something maybe, but that something is very negligible in nature... atleast in a practical sense.. although it might satisfy the individual upto a certain limit, but when that is done long enough, then one starts to think about the necessity of the whole thing..