Sunday, September 10, 2006

वंदे मातरम

वंदे मातरम् ॥

सुजलां सुफलां मलयजशीतलाम्
बहुबलधारीणीं नमामी तारीणीम्
रीपुदलवारीणीं मातरम्॥
सुजलां सुफलां मलयजशीतलाम्
शस्य श्यामलां मातरंम् .
शुभ्र ज्योत्सनाम् पुलकीत यामीनीम
फुल्ल कुसुमित द्रुमदलशोभीनीम्,
सुहासीनीं सुमधुर भाषीणीम् .
सुखदां वरदां मातरम् ॥

सप्त कोटीकन्ठ कलकल नीनाद कराले
द्वीसप्त कोटी भुजैर्ध्रत खरकरवाले
के बोले मा तुमी अबले
बहुबल धारीणीम् नमामी तारीणीम्
रीपुदलवारीणीम् मातरम् ॥

तुमी वीद्या तुमी धर्म, तुमी ह्रदी तुमी मर्म
त्वं ही प्राणाः शरीरे
बाहुते तुमी मा शक्ती
हृदये तुमी मा भक्ती,
तोमारै प्रतीमा गडीमन्दीरे-मन्दीरे ॥

त्वं ही दुर्गा दशप्रहरणधारीणी
कमला कमलदल वीहारीणी
वाणी वीद्यादायीनी, नमामी त्वाम्
नमामी कमलां अमलां अतुलाम्
सुजलां सुफलां मातरम् ॥

श्यामलां सरलां सुस्मीतां भूषीताम्
धरणीं भरणीं मातरम् ॥

वंदे मातरम् ॥

Saturday, September 09, 2006

How to convey a BAD NEWS

How to convey a BAD NEWS

A letter by a young girl to her mom

Dear Mom,
I know I haven't written for three months, but I have been very busy
and I've been having a very exciting time. Actually, I'm just back
from the hospital, where I had spent a fortnight about two months
ago. It was nothing, really - just a concussion on the back of my
head, a broken leg and a hairline fracture, that I got while jumping
out of the second floor of my hostel when it caught fire.

In fact, I can now stand all by myself without crutches, and can
almost see everything perfectly, except for a slight blur. But don't
worry. The doctor says there is a good chance of me walking on my
own again. Actually, it could have been worse, if not for that nice
chai-walla who saw me lying there in a dead faint and rushed me to

He was very helpful, really, and came to see me everyday in the
hospital. Now that I am out of hospital, I had nowhere to go, as the
hostel is still under construction. So when he suggested that I move
in with him in his hut, I thought it was very kind of him, and
agreed. We are very much in love now, and I am sure that you and Dad
will surely like him and accept him in the family.

I am sure the minor matter that he is fourteen years older than me
and that he is of a different caste and religion, will not matter at
all to broadminded parents like you. He may be illiterate and poor,
but he has a heart of gold - really, Mom, you should see how he
cares for both of us - me and his wife. She is quite sweet too, and
so are her three children; so there is absolutely no problem.

You must be wondering how you and Dad got informed so late. Don't
get angry, Mom. We just didn't have the time. You see, we decided to
get married only recently since we thought it would be unfair to let
our baby into the world without a proper surname. Yes, Mom, you are
going to be a grandmother! Congratulations! I am sure you and Dad
are delighted, and will come to visit us in his village in Mizoram
after we shift there next week.

OK Mom. All this did not really happen. There was no fire, no
no bigamous chai-walla and no illegitimate pregnancy. ! But I did
flunk in my Mathematics exam, and I wanted you to view this problem
in the right perspective.

Your Darling Daughter,
